If you’re a music lover, and you want to be able to play your music from the Echo, there’s a good chance that you have some music collection that you would like to share with others. Amazon Music is a great place to start, as they offer a wide variety of songs and albums for purchase or streaming. To upload your music collection to Amazon Music, first make sure that you have an Amazon Prime account. Once you have an account, go to the “My Account” page and click on “Upload Collection.” You will then be asked to provide some information about your music collection. This information can include the name of the album or song, the date it was created, and even the artist or composer. Once you have provided all of this information, Amazon Music will begin uploading your music collection. It may take some time for the process to finish, but eventually it will create a new folder for your music on their website. You can then access your songs and albums from this new folder. If you’re not happy with how Amazon Music has been treating your music collection, there are several ways that you can contact them in order to get them fixed or updated. You can email them at customer service@amazonmusic.com or call them at 1-800-AMZN-MP3 (1-800-853-2953).

Once logged in you’ll see an iTunes-esque interface with suggested music and so on, as seen below, with a toolbar off to the right hand side.

There, you’ll find a subsection of the “Actions” menu labeled “Upload (Drag & drop here)” and “Upload (Select Music)”.

Once the upload process has started, you can click on the button again to view the progress of the upload.

The music is immediately accessible too (no scanning or analysis required). We issued the command “Alexa, play the Doozer Knitting Song” immediately after the upload process was complete and the song spun up, complete with a matching confirmation card in our alexa.amazon.com dashboard: