There are a few ways to remove something from Wikipedia. You can use the “edit” button on the top left corner of the Wikipedia page, or you can use the “delete” button on the bottom right corner. If you use the “edit” button, you can add a new article about that thing. If you use the “delete” button, you can delete all of the articles about that thing.

How to Create Wikipedia Page?

If a page is included in the list of pages to be deleted immediately and meets one of the criteria for fast deletion, it may be removed without discussion. The term “rapid deletion” refers to eliminating sites that are so obviously incorrect for Wikipedia that they have no hope of winning a deletion debate.

If you want to submit a page for deletion, use the following template: {{subst: Proposed deletion concern reason for proposed deletion }} at the top of the page. If anybody objects to the deletion (usually by removing the {{proposed destruction/dated}} tag see below), the proposal is canceled and may not be re.

You can find more information about editing on our help pages. You may make the modification and publish it by clicking the “edit” button in the upper right corner of the page. If you can’t or don’t want to correct an error, leave a note on the article’s talk page explaining what’s wrong.

Wikipedia: Deletion review. Wikipedia: Requests for undeletion. The subcategory of Wikipedia administrators who are prepared to provide copies of deleted articles. Read the policy on undeletion for further information.

If an article’s age is incorrect, edit the whole page and publish the fix without changing anything or providing a change summary. The age will be updated as a result of this. Adding &action=purge to the URL can also remove pages from your site.