If you have a Samsung account, you may need to remove your password in order to sign out of your account. To remove your password, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Samsung account page on the website where you registered your account.
  2. Click on the “Sign In” button in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Enter your email address and password into the appropriate fields and click on “Sign In.”
  4. On the next page, click on “Password Change.”
  5. Under “Password Type,” select “password.”
  6. Under “New Password,” type a new password and confirm it by clicking on the “Create Password” button. Once you have created a new password, you will need to remember it in order to sign out of your account:
  7. Log in to your Samsung account again and click on the “Sign Out” button at the bottom of the page.
  8. Enter your old password into the appropriate field and click on “Sign Out.” ..

Tap Cancel at the bottom of the screen, then select Samsung account. Select your Samsung account and then choose to delete it. Tap Remove Account on the pop-up menu. To sign out, tap Sign out. Then type your Samsung account’s password and hit OK.

Tap the Samsung ID. Select Menu from the drop-down menu. Remove an account by tapping it. REMOVE ACCOUNT is the option to choose.

After that, tap “Lock Screen” and then select a lock screen pattern. It will be different depending on which version of Android you’re using, as well as whether or not your device is rooted. Select “None” to eliminate all security from your phone’s lock screen.

Open the Settings app on your Android device or tablet. Manage your Google Account. nTap Security at the top of the page to access security settings. nSelect 2-Step Verification from the drop-down menu. You may be asked to log in again. nTo turn off 2-Step Verification, tap Turn Off under Signing

To go back a screen, tap the Back key on your Android phone or tablet. Open the Settings app. Select Google from the list. Go to https://accounts.google.com/SignIn#settings?p=%7B… and select Security at the top of the page. ,,,,,,,,,, “