If you’re a Clash of Clans player on an iPad, there are a few things you can do to help keep your account active and safe. First, make sure that you have the latest version of the game installed. Second, make sure that your iPad is connected to the internet and that your computer is running Windows or MacOS. Finally, make sure that you have enabled two-factor authentication for your Clash of Clans account.

The first is to log out of the clash of clans on your Apple ID, and then open clash of clans again. When it asks for an Apple ID or email address, enter in the wrong one (the one you don’t use) so that clash of clans will sign in to a different account with this new information. You can now close the clash of clans and re-open it using different login information. This process should work as long as there are no two accounts logged in at the same time!

Another way to fix this problem is by resetting your device’s network settings through Settings -> General -> Reset. After doing this, restarting your phone may allow you access back into a clash of clans without having to log out from another app.

This should not be done if clash of clans is the only app that you are having issues with, as it will affect all other apps. Make sure to set up a new Apple ID and email address before resetting the network settings!

– Go into your clash of clans app

– Click on the settings gear in the upper right corner and click “log out”

– Enter your clash of clans account email address (the same one you use to log in)

– Type in your password for clash of clans.

The clashofclansapp will send a verification code to that email if it is correct or not. If it’s wrong, repeat the steps above. Otherwise, enter the confirmation code and hit logout! You can now safely delete clash of clan from iOS by going through Settings–General—Safari Data–Delete All Website Data–Clash Of Clans App data ONLY!!!!!!!!! Remember: do NOT touch any other apps game this because that will erase their clash of clans data.

– Now that you have logged out, go to Settings—General—Safari Data–Delete All Website Data and delete the clashofclansapp data from Safari ONLY!

– Then delete all game files by logging into your account in clashofclansgame.com on a browser and going through settings–more options (the three dots next to “play clash”) then click on Manage Account tab at the top right—delete everything except for saved games).

– You can now safely remove clash of clan app as well as any other apps with conflicting clash content from iOS devices without deleting what they don’t want deleted.

To log off of Clash of Clans in your Android, you must disconnect the account connected to the application and log into one with previous progress on it. To do this, Google Play Store, Facebook or SuperCell ID can be used.

Log in to Clash of Clans.Press ‘register’ then enter your email address, twice.Exit the game and return through ‘connected’ under Supercell ID and follow this step: log out or disconnect from the Supercell ID account.

You are allowed multiple accounts per device. However, if you have more than one account on a single device and an account becomes lost (or anything else like this happens), Supercell will not be able to provide support for your problem