If someone deletes their Telegram account, it’s important to check to see if they have any messages or files left on the account. If so, it’s possible that they may have lost access to their account or may have deleted it in order to avoid being tracked.

The answer to this question is dependent on the device you are using. If you are using a computer, people will know if you delete Telegram if they have access to your account on that device. If you’re using a device like an iPhone, people will not know if you delete Telegram unless they have access to your phone and can see what apps are installed.

Telegram accounts are deleted when they are inactive for a certain period of time. This is usually one year, but the exact time varies depending on the account type.

It is not known who the account belongs to.

To find out who has blocked you on Telegram, you must first know the phone number of the person who blocked you. If you do not know the phone number of the person who blocked you, there is no way to find out who has blocked you on Telegram.

The last seen recently feature can be found in the contact list of Telegram. It shows you the last time the person was online or used their account.