If you’re one of the many people who use Tinder, you may have noticed that someone you were interested in has deleted their account. If this is the case, there are a few things you can do to find out if they deleted their account on purpose or if something happened to them that caused them to delete their account. The first thing you can do is try and contact them through messaging or email. If they don’t respond after a few attempts, it’s possible that they deleted their account on purpose. If they did delete their account on purpose, there’s a good chance that they didn’t want to be contacted anymore and didn’t want anything to do with you. If something happened to the person who deleted their Tinder account and they don’t respond to messages or emails, it’s possible that they’re missing and have been kidnapped or lost in some other way. In this case, it would be best to contact the police or search for them online using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. ..

No, you cannot see someone’s Tinder profile if they deleted it.

Tinder does not delete messages when someone deletes their account. The messages are still available to the recipient until they delete their Tinder account.

If you are wondering if someone is still active on Tinder, you can check their profile. If their profile is recent, they are probably still using the app. They may also be active on other social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, which would indicate that they are still using Tinder.

If you delete Tinder, messages will not be deleted.

Tinder conversations do not disappear. Tinder only deletes conversations if you delete them manually.

The conversation does not delete when you Unmatch someone on Tinder. If you want to delete the conversation, you will have to go through and delete it one by one.

Once you delete the app, your profile will be deleted from Tinder. However, if you have Tinder Plus or Tinder Gold, your profile will stay active for 30 days after deletion.

It means that the person is currently online.

Yes, Tinder will show if you screenshot.

If you’re unmatched on Tinder, it’s possible that the other person deleted their account or they blocked you.