Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but it can also be a source of embarrassment if your birthday is accidentally posted online. Here are some tips on how to hide your birthday from Facebook without completely deleting your account.

  1. First, make sure you know the date of your birthday. You can find this information by going to your profile page and clicking on the “About Me” tab. Under “Birthday,” you’ll see the date of your birth.
  2. Next, check to see if any posts about your birthday have already been made on Facebook. If so, you’ll need to take action before continuing with these steps. To delete a post, click on the post’s link and then select “Delete Post.” If no posts about your birthday have been made yet, proceed to step 3 below.
  3. On the main menu bar at the top of Facebook page, click on “Settings.” In the “General” section, under “Privacy,” click on “Edit Profile Info.” In the " Birthday" section, type in a new date for when you would like to celebrate your birthday (this should be at least two months in advance). Click on “Save Changes.”
  4. Now that you’ve updated your profile information, it’s time to make sure that no posts about your birthday will be made public online. To do this, go back to your profile page and click on the three lines in the top left corner (known as thumbnails). Underneath each post that has already been made about your birthday (or any other topic), select “Hide Post.” This will prevent anyone from seeing that particular post when they browse through all of Facebook’s content. ..

Set up your Facebook account

in a way that is difficult to remember your birthday

One way to make sure that your birthday is hidden from all of your friends is to set up your Facebook account in a way that is difficult to remember your birthday. This can be done by creating a custom profile or by using a password manager like LastPass. If you have more than one Facebook account, you might want to create separate profiles for each one. This will make it more difficult for friends to find the birthday of someone they don’t know.

Another way to hide your birthday on Facebook is to post a status update or an article about your day and then make sure that no one can see it until the next day. This will help you keep track of what happened on your birthday without having anyone else access it.

Create a profile for your birthday

One of the best ways to hide your birthday on Facebook is to create a profile for your birthday. This will help you stay organized and track your progress on Facebook. It also makes it easier for you to find and celebrate your special day with your friends.

If you don’t have a Facebook account yet, sign up for one today. Once you have a profile, it’s easy to set up privacy settings so that no one can see your birthday.

Hide your birthday on Facebook

with a few easy steps

  1. Log into your Facebook account and click on the “Profile” link at the top of the page.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your birthday in the “ Birthday” text field.

  3. Click on the “Share” button and choose “Hiding my birthday on Facebook.”

  4. Click on the “ save changes” button and enter your contact information in the “ Contact Information” field.

  5. Click on the “ publish” button and type a brief message about why you want to hide your birthday on Facebook.

  6. Click on the “ share” button and enjoy your birthday!

How to post about your birthday on Facebook

The first step is to post about your birthday on Facebook. This will help your friends and family know that you celebrate it and will also help you get more views on your birthday posts. You can use different techniques to post about your birthday, but the most common one is to include a picture of you and your birthday present. You can also post a video of you enjoying your day or something special that happened during your birthday.


You can do so many things on Facebook for your birthday, but the most important thing is to make sure you hide it. This way, no one will know about your special day and you can enjoy it to the fullest!

Facebook posts may be adjusted by the user. This can be done through the privacy settings which are only accessible to the individual account holder. The page may also be opted out of notifications, which is accessed in the timeline menu. Notification settings are mobile friendly and allow for customization specific to each phone.

There are many ways to customize your timeline on Facebook, and as such, there are also many ways to hide your birthday. Some of these consist of editing the privacy settings for individual posts, removing specific events from your timeline, or even removing all future birthdays from your timeline.

Facebook users can employ a few different techniques to delete or hide their birthdays. For example, users can type “hide your birthday” in the search bar at the top of Facebook’s homepage. This will take them to a page titled “How do I hide my birthday on Facebook?” which provides step-by-step directions on how to do so.