Instagram is a great way to keep up with friends and family, but it can be hard to find posts you like. In this guide, we’ll show you how to quickly and easily find posts you like on Instagram. ..

Tips for finding your favorite posts

To find posts you liked on Instagram, you can use the “search” function to find them. Simply type in a search query of what you are looking for and Instagram will display results from your search.

If this doesn’t work for you, try using the options at the top of your feed. The pull-down menu is located on the right-hand side of your screen. You can select either “people” or “tags.” Choose “tags.” Then type in any keyword that you used when searching for posts to find them again.

If you want to go one step further, click on any post that has been liked by someone you follow and then click “liked by me” on the bottom of your feed. To scroll through all likes, click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. This will take you back to where you were before clicking like on that post in your feed as well as show all likes it has received since being posted.

Instagram is becoming a popular platform and people are posting more and more. This means that there is a lot of content to go through.

If you’re looking for specific posts, it can be difficult to find them again if they’ve been liked on hundreds or thousands of other posts. But with our guide, you could easily find any post that you liked and make sure to revisit it again later, when your interests change.We’ll show you how to find your favorite Instagram posts by using the search function on Instagram.

First, go to the search tab in the Instagram app. Next, type in “Instagram” followed by the name of the person who posted something that you like. Then just click on their profile image, which will bring up all of their posts from over time. From there, tap on one of the latest posts and it will filter down so that only those two posts appear instead of all the others that were posted after it (the oldest ones will still be available). Finally, just tap on one of those two recent posts and it will open up for viewing!

Helpful hashtags for finding posts you like

Hashtags are a convenient way to find posts you like on Instagram by using the search function. You can search for specific hashtags that represent what you’re looking for, or use general hashtags related to your interests.

On Instagram, there are several ways that you can find posts made by people in your niche. One of them is by searching for the hashtag associated with your interest. With this method, you can easily find and follow people with similar interests to yours.

The other way to find similar users is through popular hashtags that relate to your interests. These are hashtags that have been used in other posts about your topic of interest so it’s easy for other users to find these posts as well.

There are even some tools available on Facebook and Instagram that will help you discover popular tags related to your interests based on what others have liked or commented on in the past – perfect for finding new followers!


With hundreds of posts uploaded to Instagram every day, it can be hard to find the exact post you are looking for. Luckily, there are a few tricks you can use to find the perfect post!

The process of searching for posts one has liked on Instagram is akin to the drawing together of a puzzle, but instead of using overused metaphors, we can use technology. In order to conduct this search, one must first open Instagram and then press the “Explore” tab in the bottom left-hand corner. Next, hover over the photos that show up and any post that seems relevant should have a small heart icon next to it, which means that you have liked this photo previously.

One way to see posts one liked on Instagram is by clicking on the icon of three dots in the upper right-hand corner. Once clicked, a list of posts that one liked will appear, which can be sorted by date or by likes.

Many people would like to know how to see their old activity on Instagram. For them, it is important to know if their account is still active or not, and if their posts are on the timeline. The first thing they need to do is go to the app on their phone, log in with Facebook or Twitter, and make sure they are on the latest version. They can also check under the Activity tab where they will then be able to see their activity.

When a user views the recently viewed posts on Instagram, they will be shown as a list of images that had been posted most recently. This is a great way to keep up to date with what friends have been doing or find new content from those you’ve had conversations with in the past.

The process of viewing liked posts on Instagram is related to the use of third party applications. To do so, the user must download and install an application which will provide a user with access to Instagram’s public feed. The Instagram application itself, as well as other apps such as Hootsuite and Buffer, allow users to see their “liked” posts.

Instagram is a social media site that allows users to upload photos and videos which can be shared with friends or followers. The majority of content posted on the site is considered public, which means anyone who likes your post can see it. However unlike Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc., Instagram tends to be more restrictive about what gets uploaded and what will show up to only your followers.

First, take a look at the posts that have been liked by your friends and other people you follow on Instagram. This will give you an idea of what type of post is popular on Instagram. Next, switch over to the explore tab on Instagram. This will allow you to see all of the posts that have been posted even after you have gone through all of the posts that have been liked by your friends and other people you follow on Instagram. Finally, filter your search by specific hashtags. The hashtag search option will allow you to see only posts with these specific tags.